It has been a while since I posted any new content but my classroom has been busy nonetheless. This quarter, we are studying the art of Memphis painter, David Lynch. Before viewing the work, we had a fantastic group discussion about cities and about what one might find when visiting such places. Given that our school is in a rural location outside Memphis, only about half of the students had actually visited the city.
After naming various known Memphis landmarks, we took a 'field trip' to Memphis, via Google Earth. Then we visited David Lynch's website, observed the work and discussed the differences between what we saw on our field trip and the artist's representation. The kids were more than excited, they were engaged... best of all the content stuck! Check out the tour below for a quick peek.
After naming various known Memphis landmarks, we took a 'field trip' to Memphis, via Google Earth. Then we visited David Lynch's website, observed the work and discussed the differences between what we saw on our field trip and the artist's representation. The kids were more than excited, they were engaged... best of all the content stuck! Check out the tour below for a quick peek.