*My Tasks for Weeks 8 and 9
Instructional Strategies
*Our team has worked a little more independently over the last week. We have a lot to accomplish in a short period of time so we are working smarter. This week, each of the team members has identified an area for focus and we are working independently to complete each section. We are staying in touch to confirm ideas, procedures, etc. Later, we will review each other's work as a team and make any necessary changes.
Instructional Strategies
- Explanation & Rationale - 100%
- Lesson Structure - 50%
- Storyboard Draft: 50%
- Treatment Report - 50%
*Our team has worked a little more independently over the last week. We have a lot to accomplish in a short period of time so we are working smarter. This week, each of the team members has identified an area for focus and we are working independently to complete each section. We are staying in touch to confirm ideas, procedures, etc. Later, we will review each other's work as a team and make any necessary changes.