GPS & Geocaching in (& OUT of) the Classroom
What is Geocaching?
Geocaching is a high-tech treasure hunt that uses a GPS receiver to hide and seek containers (cache) all over the world.
Integrating GPS Technology into the Classroom, Jason Hubbard, www.educaching.comCurricular Connections
Art Education
Physical Education/Health
Library & Media
Music Education
Attending a workshop? |
Educacher - This blog is for the Educacher…someone who sees the value of using geocaching and GPS in education. Our goal is to help build a community of users that share ideas and resources on this topic. Geocacher University - step by step "how to" geocache Geocache history Geocaching & Education - tips & information to get started Glossary of Terms - learn all the geo-lingo here! GPS & Geocaching in Education - a collection of resources for integrating GPS technology across the curriculum How Geocaching Works - the science behind GPS, by the How Stuff Works website Lesson Plans:
Tread Lightly - a guide to responsible Geocaching Webquest: Basics of Geocaching - a great introduction to Geocaching for elementary age students Videos: Quick videos to explain geocaching to kids (and grown ups!) GPS Devices
![]() iPod/iPhone App
- Geocaching by Groundspeak Geomate Jr.
Geomate Jr. - class kits - everything you need to get started!
Geomate Jr. Cheat sheet - by Apishere, |